The Kingmas | Party of 7

The Kingmas | Party of 7

Featured Song:

Meet the Kingmas.

Tiffany & Jeff Kingma were some of the first people my husband and I met after we moved and joined our church, Bethel Church Austin. I was amazed by them instantly because like THEY HAVE 5 CHILDREN. FIVE KIDS. Some people might be unimpressed, but the fact that they have 5 children that they care for equally, divide their love and time with equally, are training them up to be strong and powerful adults in the Lord one day is REMARKABLE. This family is clearly set apart for His glory, and all of the kid’s names have meaning, and I love that. We have: Evening, Ocean, North, Gray, and Ever. Hearing Tiffany talk about that process of praying and choosing each name is beautiful, and they fit each kid perfectly (even though I swore she said they all came to her in dreams. Nope? Oh my bad lol.)

Tiffany actually intimidated me at first because of the way she carries herself. She is quiet, but boy is she strong. After being asked to join her women’s home group, I’ve gotten to know Tiffany, and she is a deep, deep well of wisdom and realness. My life is very different because of the love Tiff has shown me. Her valiant husband, Jeff, is just about the kindest and most gentle man I’ve ever met. But once again, he exudes a strength I haven’t seen before. Jeff leads and carries his family with such a grace while simultaneously champions on other musicians and friends in his life. Like, I WANNA BE A KINGMA, Y’ALL. I loved getting to photograph this wild bunch in the fall, and I hope you love their sweet little faces like I do.

Confession before you scroll further: while shooting this session, I made it a goal to get one smiling/candid shot of each kid. Totally expected of a *professional* photographer, right? Well, guys, I missed one. I MISSED A CHILD. I thought I had surely gotten all 5 kiddos, and while I was culling later, I realized I had missed sweet, sweet Ocean. I photographed a wedding a few weeks later that the Kingmas were attending, and Ocean happened to be wearing the same shirt as from the session! So I pulled him aside and got a few individual shots of him. Unlike Tiffany & Jeff, I forget children. They include them all. God bless them.













This image CRACKED me up. Because little Ever is exhibiting what it’s like to be the youngest of 5. Holding on for dear life.

This image CRACKED me up. Because little Ever is exhibiting what it’s like to be the youngest of 5. Holding on for dear life.










I told them, “Guys, I want you two to get your faces in reaaalllyy close. Yeah, like that. And just pretend like you’re not dripping in kids.”

I told them, “Guys, I want you two to get your faces in reaaalllyy close. Yeah, like that. And just pretend like you’re not dripping in kids.”







Tiffany also is a STYLISH MOMMA!! She has her own fashion instagram where she does something called “#tiffanysfirstlook, and honestly I’m so inspired. If you want to know what that is, see amazing outfits she puts together, and the deals she finds items at, give her a follow! Tiffany Kingma Style

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